
Writing & Literary is an online journal covering matters that pertain to writing, literary, publishing pursuits, also serving the wider arts community.

We welcome and invite participation from writers, publishers, literary organisations, event organisers across all genres of literature – both written and spoken expressions of the form. Just as we seek to keep our readers informed, we encourage individuals and organisations to send us news about upcoming activities and events – such as festivals, prizes and competitions, new books and publications, anything that is literary related, even if only remotely. It really is a two-way process that we seek to promote, encouraging readers to also be contributors.

News items and announcements (including press releases) to be considered for inclusion may be sent to us by e-mail, or through our online form for event notifications. We cannot guarantee publication but we will do our best to assist. We do advise that you include some form of contact (e-mail, telephone number, etc) in case we need to verify any of the information provided. In all cases, we reserve the right to edit for publication. If you have any questions or if there is any issue that you would like to raise, feel free to Contact Us.

Writing & Literary is an initiative of The Manuscript Publisher, publishing services provider to authors, writers, independent publishers. We are based in Ireland but, operating mainly in an online environment and recognising that literature, like all art forms transcends boundaries (both real and imagined), we welcome news and input from all parts of the world.

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