Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Cork International Poetry Festival 2017, 14-18 February

Cork International Poetry Festival runs from today (Tuesday, 14 February) until Saturday. A line up of Irish and international authors will provide readings and workshops on various subjects and themes.

The full programme of events (available to download from the festival website) will also include the presentation of the Gregory O'Donoghue Poetry Prize and the launch of The Well Review, a new, international poetry journal, named after the neighbourhood of Sunday's Well in Cork City.

John Montague (1929-2016), the first occupant of the Ireland Chair of Poetry, was originally scheduled to give a reading on the publication of his latest book. Instead, an evening of homage to the late poet, who passed away in December, will take place on the Saturday at the Cork Arts Theatre.

Many of the events advertised are free but pre-booking may be required in some cases. Tickets are no longer available to pre-book online but can be bought on the door at at the Cork Arts Theatre's ticket office. For further information about times, venues and events, see Cork International Poetry Festival website.

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