Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Press Release: Book Launch – Two Books by Michael Whelton | The Manuscript Publisher

Crawford Art Gallery, in the heart of Cork City, provides a fitting venue for the formal launch of two recently published books by local author, Michael Whelton. The event takes place on Friday, 6 September from 12.30pm and is open to the public.

Portraits of the Past by Michael Whelton - front cover
Michael Whelton, a retired medical doctor who has also dedicated himself to art and literary pursuits, is a native of Cork, having lived and worked there for most of his life. He has also travelled extensively and all of this is very much to the fore in his writings (as well as in the background), providing as it does, the setting for many of the short stories contained in his collection, Portraits of the Past, which was published just last year.

Through the Pages of History: an art, music and medical miscellany is his more recently published collection of essays, which looks at the lives of historical figures and addresses landmarks in human history, scientific achievement, artistic excellence and so on. Subjects covered include events like the Black Death, medieval witch hunts, capital punishment while Mozart, Renoir, Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Kings John and Richard III of England, Herod the Great of Biblical fame are just a few of the names that crop up in this engrossing read.
Through the Pages of History by Michael Whelton - front cover

Both books are published by The Manuscript Publisher and available to buy online as well as certain bookshops and, are also available in e-book editions.

Signed copies will be on sale at the launch, which is hosted by Friends of Crawford Art Gallery. Entry is free and refreshments will be served. Make a note in your diary:
Venue: Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork – for directions, see Google Maps
Date: Friday, 6 September 2019
Time: 12.30pm

Book launch invitation - Michael Whelton

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