Saturday, 1 October 2022

New Books and Titles | The Joys of a Second Rattle at Life by William Tiernan | Book Launch

 The Joys of a Second Rattle at Life by William Tiernan

– Book Launch: Saturday, 8 October at Fr. Flanagan Community Centre, Ballymoe, Co. Galway –

The Joys of a Second Rattle at Life by William Tiernan is the author's third collection of poetry and, arguably, his most ambitious date. Whether addressing himself to issues such as pandemics or the war in Ukraine, to more universal themes of redemption and re-birth, battles of the body and the bullying of the mind, Tiernan's observations go straight to the human heart, breaking down the distance of what is right from what is wrong, conveying it all in his unique and inimitable lyrical style.

Front cover of The Joys of a Second Rattle at Life by William Tiernan (with artwork by Anne Rigney)

From the Pen of William Tiernan

Mine is a hard hammering against the wall of flame.
The demon we must come to terms with and tame.
A new day brings a new, raw hunger and thirst.
I must give the world my poem and my word.
Without having to fall on my sword.
The heart can be touched by crying
But, the soul knows not of dying.
It's smiles we give and tears we fall.
We belong to the universal call.
I'm sick and tired of war and dying.
Sick and tired of hunger and homelessness crying.
I'm into me and I'm the whole world's lover
And, I know there are many mysterious things to discover.
The road less travelled is the road best left behind
And, the better one, perhaps, is the one we've yet to find.
Existence is forever so short
But, life at times, too long.
Old fashioned, I might be but, most of the poetry nowadays doesn't turn me on. I like the stuff to rhyme, while this thing of survival gets on my bloody nerves.

William Tiernan is a poet and author who resides in rural Galway, close to the Roscommon border. His writings reflect his personal experiences and convictions as well as strong ties to the community in which he lives, his identification with the place where he grew up. These impressions are particularly reflected in the first two volumes of his poetry: Greetings from Guilka, Ballymoe (2016) and Bluesy Ballymoe (2018). In 2014, he was National Winner in the poetry category at the Hanna Greally International Literary Awards, organised as part of the annual SiarScéal Festival in Co. Roscommon.

The Joys of a Second Rattle at Life by William Tiernan is published under the imprint of The Manuscript Publisher and available to buy online, along with other books by William Tiernan.

Copies will also be on sale at the official launch of the book, to take place on Saturday, 8 October at the Fr Flanagan Community Centre in Ballymoe, Co. Galway, starting at 8pm. The author will be on hand to sign copies.

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